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Tuesday, August 20, 2024

10 Key ideas from Jensen Huang about Money and Investing


Jensen Huang

" Virtual reality, all the A.I. work we do, all the robotics work we do - we're as close to realizing science fiction as it gets "

                                                            Jensen Huang


   JenSen Huang Books

 On Attracting Top Talent

1.  The key to attracting the best talent is not fighting for market share in commodity markets, but choosing incredibly hard projects that make a big impact if successful .

2.  Amazing people will join you if you select amazing markets and hard-to-do things. Otherwise you're just talking about market share .

 On Starting a Company

3.  Money is the only singular reason not to start a company, because starting a company has a very low probability of success. You should build a company because you believe in your idea, are passionate about it, and want to build something great .

4.  You have to have a unique perspective that you feel strongly about, so you're willing to persevere through any challenge to make it happen .

 On Business Plans

5.  The important things a business plan should tease out are: what is the true problem you're trying to solve, what unmet need will emerge, and what sufficiently hard thing will you do that others can't easily copy .

6.  The art of writing a business plan should be much shorter. It forces you to condense the essence of what you're doing .

 On Investing

7.  When reading business books, you're supposed to be inspired and learn from them, but not adopt them wholesale. You're supposed to ask what it means to you in your world and context .

8.  The more you learn from what's happening in the world, the better. But then you come back and ask yourself, what does this mean to us? 

 On Nvidia's Success

9.  Nvidia is probably one of Sequoia's best investments ever. The two founding VCs are still on the board after all these years, which is singular .

10.  Nvidia's stock price joining the $1 trillion market cap club in 2023 and reaching $3 trillion is a remarkable achievement. Jensen Huang's rapid ascent to near the top 10 richest people list is a testament to his leadership in the AI revolution . Learn more : Real - Time Billionaires