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Thursday, August 8, 2024

why Pinterest should be a focus for driving consistent website traffic in 2024



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 Pinterest is a Search Engine

Unlike other social media platforms, Pinterest operates more like a search engine. Users come to Pinterest specifically to search for and discover new content, products, and ideas . This makes Pinterest an ideal platform for getting your content discovered by people actively looking for what you offer.

 Massive Growth Potential

Pinterest has been steadily growing, with a 7.5% year-over-year growth rate . It now has 498 million monthly active users , with 84.6 million in the U.S. alone . This massive user base provides huge potential to drive traffic to your website.

 Driving Real Traffic

Pinterest drives real, engaged traffic to websites. The platform averages over 1 billion monthly visits , with 96% of searches being unbranded . This means people are looking for ideas and content, not just specific brands. If you create the right content, Pinterest can drive significant referral traffic to your site.

 Long-Term Results

Unlike social media platforms that prioritize recency, Pinterest's algorithm favors content that is well-optimized with keywords . This means your pins can continue driving traffic for months or even years after you create them . Pinterest is a long game, but the results can be very rewarding.

Tailwind is Still Valuable

While Pinterest's native scheduling tools have improved, Tailwind is still a valuable tool for optimizing your Pinterest strategy in 2024 . Tailwind allows you to save drafts, schedule to multiple boards, join communities, and understand the best times to post based on your audience's activity . more